Category: uncategorized

  • Recharged

    Slept at 10:30 last night, feeling good. Trump became GOP nominee, crazy… I remember going to a “Wealth Expo” maybe 8 years ago, saw Trump speak. The crowd, including myself started saying “Trump for President” lol, not sure who started the chant. Maybe it’s law of attraction or something. It’s going to be one ugly…

  • State of Web Animation

    I was exploring the current state of Web Animation over the weekend. CSS vs JS Animation Old school jQuery animations seems to be a no-no… either use CSS3 animations or a library like GSAP or Velocity.js This is because just jQuery can be very jittery, it doesn’t hardware accelerate like CSS3 and the JS animation libs.…

  • How to Reset your Sleep Cycle after Partying on Weekend

    Okay this little note is for me. How to reset your sleep schedule after staying up late and sleeping in. One trick says to not eat for 16-hours. Interesting. Other notable tricks include waking up at the same time… not sure this can be accomplished the night of the all-nighter… but def. the next night……

  • Updates

    I missed a day! So usually I write my blog post first thing in the day. Lots of times I don’t know what to write, till I write it… I guess I’m a very intuitive type of guy. So we celebrated my Mom’s 60th birthday was last Sunday. Loads of fun. I will be focusing…

  • New Day Schedule

    So since my lovely partner decided to go back to work part-time, my new schedule is thus: Wake up at 6am. Start work by 8am. Work till around Noon… then watch kids/read (I got at least 6 weeks of Python/Django books I want to read).

  • Beyond Money

    Beyond money is power. There’s 3 things people categorized as influential. Fame Money Power To have money, you first have to be famous (good marketing). Then you have money which you can use for more marketing to get you more popular, and create you more money. Once you have money, you can gain power. Political…

  • Britain Might Leave EU

    Should Britain leave the EU? Who knows, I don’t have a clue, I don’t live in Britain nor do I closely follow what’s happening. It seems like Great Britain is a rich country. They are paying for the poorer EU members. Honestly maybe it makes sense for them to leave. This way the rich counties…

  • Conflict

    I’m in conflict. My love, OrgNote, with a sure fire success, teaching WebDev. What to do…

  • Government and the Economy

    I’ve been watching the great youtube series “School of Life” (usually while eating 🙂 Talks a lot about systems of economy and government… Capitalism takes advantage of human greed, at the expense of the everyday laborer and the environment. Pure Communism just doesn’t work. Although the ideas of Communism are interesting. Like how one should…

  • Robots and Basic Income

    I think we all should have a basic income because robots, computers and technology is going to make most jobs obsolete. That means raising taxes on big companies, if you want to be the handful of ultra successful companies, you have to pay taxes. I think this gives people incentive to be creative. Also more…