Category: uncategorized
What is design? Design is under-rated. It’s invisible. It’s core. It’s purpose. Great design, is timeless, it’s purposeful, it’s just right. It’s empowering.
Look out for Yourself
One thing I don’t do enough is make myself a top priority. If you are happy, your world changes. You will at least see things differently, but I think you enter a new reality. You have control of what reality you experience. So make yourself a priority. Be happy. Everything else is secondary.
Do I Believe in God
Yes, I do believe in God. In a God or Gods or what have you… I’m not sure… but I believe in Something. Jesus? Idk, it’s crazy that, those times just happened 2000 years ago. We’ve advance technologically so fast in these years, it’s amazing actually. Exponential growth. Are we in a Matrix? I think so……
Python/Django, Swift, iOS Apps Developer & Front-End Engineer
So knowing what you are, is also knowing what you aren’t. Know thyself. I’m an Applications Developer. Maybe Front-End, I like to see myself in the middle-tier. I use libraries and leverage frameworks. Sit on shoulders of many open-source developers, engineers, architects, I am sure.
Power over Oneself
Personal Power, … Power of oneself… You will have bad moments, bad feelings… You will want to be lazy… do nothing… You will be mad, lash out… Key is to have control. Power over oneself. meta.
Decision Tool
Weight Decision Matrix is something I use that helps me make decisions. tbc.
Time Traveler
What would you see, if you were a Time Traveler. As you look into your Son’s eyes. Perhaps your unborn. You see the good times, your memories you’ve yet had. Your past is your future memories. You’re loved ones are your loves ones for all of time. Your moments with them is what’s life’s about.…
What not to Write About
I’m beginning to think, I shouldn’t write about whatever I feel like it on this blog. I was going to do another Trump Rant, but hey is this blog really about politics? The more I write the more I feel like I’m choosing a prime audience. Sure I have lots of views on everything… hmm…
To be an expert in a field, how much do you have to know about a field and it’s relative fields? For example being an expert Web Developer, do you have to be a Mathematician and killer Designer? If you want to be expert Chef, do you need to know about Agriculture and Chemistry? There’s…