Category: uncategorized
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day. I’m reminded of things I am grateful for today. I have a gratitude list that puts me in a serene mood. Daily Gratitude – Kim Anh – Evan & Benjamin – Mom & Dad – Loc, Linda, Khoa, Thien, Giang – Here & Now – America – Internet – Freedom – Liberty…
Addiction and Self-Control
Are you in control of your life? There’s things you can’t control, like your environment. But are you in control of your actions? Self-Control is key to a life actualized. If you don’t have self-control, you are a slave to your past habits and conditioning. I think few people actually mindfully choose their conditioning or…
Stumbling Upon Happiness
One of the insights I got from “Stumbling on Happiness” is that the anticipation of things is very gratifying. So embrace the anticipation.
Rewarding Yourself
So a trick I’ve been using to “get through” something massive… like eating an Elephant. Is to give yourself a reward when you make progress. I was reading the 1,600 page book “Learning Python” recently… and let myself watch an episode of Game of Thrones after every chapter. 🙂 Worked effectively.
How to Pick Tech Stack for your Software Project?
How to pick the right tech stack for your software project? I run across this problem a lot because I start a lot of projects. How do you pick what tech stack to use? There’s multiple ways to skin a cat. —- Which language stack do you already know that can do the job? Is…
Absent of Pain
In Buddhist traditions, it’s said happiness is the lack of suffering. That’s where peace lies, in the without.
Cleaning the House
For some reason I never learned how to properly clean. How to clean or what products & tools to use? No clue. Good thing there’s this thing called “information out there”, and books. The book I’m using as my guide is “Get Your House Clean Now“, best $4 ever spent. Saved me lots of time…
Blogging Everyday
My wife tells me I haven’t been blogging everyday. Thanks hun for the accountability 🙂 It’s hard to establish a daily habit. Being sick recently doesn’t help. So I’ve decided to wake up at 7:30am now, and after a game of VainGlory to insure I stay away, nothing after that is really consistent.
I haven’t blogged in a bit. Oops… dang I didn’t even noticed… Busy weekend, followed by flu-like symptoms. (Father & Evan) I was reading this about Elon Musk. Talk about knowing what you want to do at an early age… man… this guy is aligned. Too much “Flipboard” and “Hacker News” … all these companies…
Good Morning
What a lovely morning. I haven’t woken up this early (8am) for a while. (Def got off the wagon) How I did it? Put myself first. “Sleep Alarm” clock. Also “unwinded” after midnight… aka just read, but to be honest, I prolly slept too late.