Category: uncategorized

  • Happy Father’s Day

    Happy Father’s Day. I’m reminded of things I am grateful for today. I have a gratitude list that puts me in a serene mood. Daily Gratitude – Kim Anh – Evan & Benjamin – Mom & Dad – Loc, Linda, Khoa, Thien, Giang – Here & Now – America – Internet – Freedom – Liberty…

  • Addiction and Self-Control

    Are you in control of your life? There’s things you can’t control, like your environment. But are you in control of your actions? Self-Control is key to a life actualized. If you don’t have self-control, you are a slave to your past habits and conditioning. I think few people actually mindfully choose their conditioning or…

  • Stumbling Upon Happiness

    One of the insights I got from “Stumbling on Happiness” is that the anticipation of things is very gratifying. So embrace the anticipation.

  • Rewarding Yourself

    So a trick I’ve been using to “get through” something massive… like eating an Elephant. Is to give yourself a reward when you make progress. I was reading the 1,600 page book “Learning Python” recently… and let myself watch an episode of Game of Thrones after every chapter. 🙂 Worked effectively.

  • How to Pick Tech Stack for your Software Project?

    How to pick the right tech stack for your software project? I run across this problem a lot because I start a lot of projects. How do you pick what tech stack to use? There’s multiple ways to skin a cat. —- Which language stack do you already know that can do the job? Is…

  • Absent of Pain

    In Buddhist traditions, it’s said happiness is the lack of suffering. That’s where peace lies, in the without.

  • Cleaning the House

    For some reason I never learned how to properly clean. How to clean or what products & tools to use? No clue. Good thing there’s this thing called “information out there”, and books. The book I’m using as my guide is “Get Your House Clean Now“, best $4 ever spent. Saved me lots of time…

  • Blogging Everyday

    My wife tells me I haven’t been blogging everyday. Thanks hun for the accountability 🙂 It’s hard to establish a daily habit. Being sick recently doesn’t help. So I’ve decided to wake up at 7:30am now, and after a game of VainGlory to insure I stay away, nothing after that is really consistent.

  • Ahhh

    I haven’t blogged in a bit. Oops… dang I didn’t even noticed… Busy weekend, followed by flu-like symptoms. (Father & Evan) I was reading this about Elon Musk. Talk about knowing what you want to do at an early age… man… this guy is aligned. Too much “Flipboard” and “Hacker News” … all these companies…

  • Good Morning

    What a lovely morning. I haven’t woken up this early (8am) for a while. (Def got off the wagon) How I did it? Put myself first. “Sleep Alarm” clock. Also “unwinded” after midnight… aka just read, but to be honest, I prolly slept too late.