Tag: time
Not enough Time
Today I’m feeling that there’s not enough time. I know that’s ridiculous, not the feeling but the idea that there isn’t enough time. Lots of balls in the air… two kids, food needs to be put on the table, flailing freelance business… product/saas business still in idea phase. Sigh… I am relieved to know that…
New Day Schedule
So since my lovely partner decided to go back to work part-time, my new schedule is thus: Wake up at 6am. Start work by 8am. Work till around Noon… then watch kids/read (I got at least 6 weeks of Python/Django books I want to read).
You never have enough. I’ve been obsessed with Time lately, how I find it so much more valuable than money. Yet how everyone has the same amount… if you are fortunate enough. How people sell time. I’m currently consulting, so I currently sell my time, and my past experience for money. It stinks. It’s better…
Time is the most valuable asset.
The most valuable asset is time. That’s why time management is so popular. I’m currently reading the book “The Time Paradox” recommended by Derek Sivers. It says that we are more time conscious because we as a society hardly make things anymore. We are on the clock. Hence, for a manager to increase profits, it…