Tag: success

  • Stress-Free Success

    What is Stress-Free Success? It’s automatic success. It’s no suffering. It’s happiness & contentment. There’s something calming about Buddha meditating next to a Bodhi tree. He is stress-free. Also sometimes, we can’t meditate all day. There’s a hunger to achieve. This is about finding your purpose and passion. Combine zen and success, and you have…

  • Preparation

    Preparation. Prepare to succeed. What do you prepare for? As I am currently preparing to take a placement test for a Top Agency I am applying to, I am using all the preparation advice I’ve heard over the years. Get a good night sleep. (opps on this, hopefully I can get some shut eye before…

  • 3 Fields of Personal Success

    Mental, Emotional & Physical. Mental You have to think positively. Don’t be a negative pessimist. Believe in hope. Realize other people has been in worse shape and has gone to surpass your wildest dreams. Emotional The most important. You have to control your emotions. Be attuned to the emotions of others (relationships). Without mastery of…