Tag: politics

  • Recharged

    Slept at 10:30 last night, feeling good. Trump became GOP nominee, crazy… I remember going to a “Wealth Expo” maybe 8 years ago, saw Trump speak. The crowd, including myself started saying “Trump for President” lol, not sure who started the chant. Maybe it’s law of attraction or something. It’s going to be one ugly…

  • Government and the Economy

    I’ve been watching the great youtube series “School of Life” (usually while eating 🙂 Talks a lot about systems of economy and government… Capitalism takes advantage of human greed, at the expense of the everyday laborer and the environment. Pure Communism just doesn’t work. Although the ideas of Communism are interesting. Like how one should…

  • If you were to rig an election

    You’d control the media. You’d control the voting machines. Maybe I’ve watched too many conspiracy theories movies. But maybe truth is stranger than fiction. The amount of gerrymandering is ridiculous. The stories of Flint Michigan Water crisis is disheartening… I was listening to CNN today and they said the Koch Brothers (or a group of…