Tag: personal

  • Do I Believe in God

    Yes, I do believe in God. In a God or Gods or what have you… I’m not sure… but I believe in Something. Jesus? Idk, it’s crazy that, those times just happened 2000 years ago. We’ve advance technologically so fast in these years, it’s amazing actually. Exponential growth. Are we in a Matrix? I think so……

  • Python/Django, Swift, iOS Apps Developer & Front-End Engineer

    So knowing what you are, is also knowing what you aren’t. Know thyself. I’m an Applications Developer. Maybe Front-End, I like to see myself in the middle-tier. I use libraries and leverage frameworks. Sit on shoulders of many open-source developers, engineers, architects, I am sure.

  • Power over Oneself

    Personal Power, … Power of oneself… You will have bad moments, bad feelings… You will want to be lazy… do nothing… You will be mad, lash out… Key is to have control. Power over oneself. meta.