Tag: orgnote

  • Overflow?

    What happens when your system gets overflowed? A paper run out of lines… a todo list jammed packed with hundreds or thousands of past intentions… Email box full. Overflow leads to overwhelmed. Your organization system shouldn’t overwhelm you. It should handle overflow.

  • Data, information, knowledge

    Did it again. Another is potentially lost.  The importance of guardians of our information. 

  • Old Version of OrgNote

      Had to post these screenshots I found of old version of OrgNote, found on my DropBox… year 2012!     sweet got nice drop shadow goin on 🙂

  • Customer Experience Document for OrgNote

    So the user (me) wants… A place to add thoughts. A place to re-arrange thoughts. To work with your thoughts/notes. A place to pull-up (reference) thoughts/notes. Never feels / goes stale, be relevant, response with usage.