a blog TBD

  • From CrashPlan to BackBlaze

    Since CrashPlan backup service doesn’t support home users anymore, I’ve just finished successfully switched to BackBlaze. It took 25 days to backup around 800Gigs … so not too bad. I had just left it running in the background, probably could have gone quicker if I optimized it by playing with settings. Gladly my hard-drives didn’t die…

  • Easy Tip: How to remember where you Parked your Car

    Who hasn’t forgotten where they parked and spent 10-15 minutes walking around the parking lot aimlessly looking for your car, pressing the button on your key fab… Okay maybe only those of us with ADHD have it worse than most. Here’s the 1 tip, that I use to remember where I parked. I have not…

  • So I’ve Blogged Again

    Whoa, can’t believe I haven’t blogged since May! Lots have happened since then, the biggest news is my 4-year old went to his first day of pre-k this week! Hooray, so proud of him. Also, I’ve been putting my nose to the grind stone on OrgNote. I hope to be in the position to complete…

  • Prioritize Finishing

    When you have ADHD, your mind is a mile a minute. You always have a bunch of stuff you want to do. You should only do one thing at a time. At the beginning of the day, and you are trying to figure out what to do. Prioritized tasks or projects already started that has…

  • Fully commit, Get sh*t done and Feel good about it.

    TL;DR: Ask yourself “The ONE Question”, then commit to a time-span that’s not too long. —- When I am feeling in the zone it’s usually because of deep focus. I haven’t had this feeling since my 90-day sprint ended. What is a 90 Day Sprint? Inspired by Todd Herman’s 90 Day year. (I can’t wait…

  • Spin the Random Wheel, Then Do Valuable Work

    When you have ADHD, you are a pro at getting distracted. You have deep thoughts, but problem is, you have too many. So how do you stay productive? The key to success is focus action. So you know you need to take focus action, but how? You need to create a plan and follow it.…

  • First Chrome Extension Installed on a New Browser

    Update: Thanks to ThisAsYou on Reddit, brought to my attention that LastPass has lots of vulnerabilities. So I will most likely switch off of them to something else. Perhaps 1Password. —- So I’m trying out Vivaldi which is a “power-browser” (highly customizable) browser built by a co-founder of Opera browser, built on top of Chrome. The…

  • Don’t Forget the Mundane or Super Important Things with these 2 Apps

    TL;DR – Check out HomeRoutines and Due for routines and reminders if you are highly forgetful. As a person with ADHD, we tend to get carried away when we’re hyper-focused. Where did the time go? Who knows. Bunny rabbits. I was trying out some apps recently I got from this list and two that are really beneficial…

  • I can’t write

    The thought of writing is painful.  I don’t want to get started. Honestly, the only way I think I can write is to build it into a habit. So it’s more automatic muscle memory than “will power”. I also thought about maybe writing short blog posts, as a series as well. 

  • Less Focus

    Okay so I didn’t stick with the name ZenSaaS. Typical. I have tons of domain names that I do not use. I changed domain names again. If you reading this on March 2017, the current moniker is “Less Focus”. Because focus is a problem for me. Well it’s something to be managed at least. I…

Got any book recommendations?