Category: productivity

  • Fully commit, Get sh*t done and Feel good about it.

    TL;DR: Ask yourself “The ONE Question”, then commit to a time-span that’s not too long. —- When I am feeling in the zone it’s usually because of deep focus. I haven’t had this feeling since my 90-day sprint ended. What is a 90 Day Sprint? Inspired by Todd Herman’s 90 Day year. (I can’t wait…

  • Spin the Random Wheel, Then Do Valuable Work

    When you have ADHD, you are a pro at getting distracted. You have deep thoughts, but problem is, you have too many. So how do you stay productive? The key to success is focus action. So you know you need to take focus action, but how? You need to create a plan and follow it.…

  • First Chrome Extension Installed on a New Browser

    Update: Thanks to ThisAsYou on Reddit, brought to my attention that LastPass has lots of vulnerabilities. So I will most likely switch off of them to something else. Perhaps 1Password. —- So I’m trying out Vivaldi which is a “power-browser” (highly customizable) browser built by a co-founder of Opera browser, built on top of Chrome. The…

  • What to do today?

    Inspired by Todd Herman (who got it from Jack Dorsey), I am having a theme for today. Today is sharpening the saw day. Ala the 7th Habit. Pretty inexperience with such things. Was very tense the whole day, like I should be working. But I usually get like that when stuck with something with work.…

  • Doing It All

    You can do it all, you just don’t have to do it all at once.

  • All you have is Today

    “Thinking Big?” maybe not? What if all you had was today. When Chase said, he’s practicing more self-compassion… I just thought to myself… if all you had and all you can impact was your actions Today, what could you do? What would you do?

  • Limit Daily Decisions

    One of your greatest asset is your creativity, your thinking. Don’t waste this resource constantly deciding the same things over and over again. One of the things we are trying in my household is creating a calendar of chores for the day. Like Sun, Tue, Fri are Trash days. Monday is dishes (make sure it’s…

  • Productivity – First Things

    So you want to be more productive? Where do you start? I think you should start with goals. Or depending your your personality, What problems do you want to solve? It sounds very basic, but just like everything, great things are derived from fundamentals. The foundation of your success. What do you want to be productive…