Category: OrgNote
DEV Quickly
I’ve been working on this app. It’s a notes app, tasks app… really it’s what in my head. Notes, captured, unorganized. I had idea for an app to wrangle the mess that is in my head. The last version, version 0.33 almost saw the light of day. Then I decided to change the stack, to…
What happens when your system gets overflowed? A paper run out of lines… a todo list jammed packed with hundreds or thousands of past intentions… Email box full. Overflow leads to overwhelmed. Your organization system shouldn’t overwhelm you. It should handle overflow.
Data, information, knowledge
Did it again. Another is potentially lost. The importance of guardians of our information.
Old Version of OrgNote
Had to post these screenshots I found of old version of OrgNote, found on my DropBox… year 2012! sweet got nice drop shadow goin on 🙂
Customer Experience Document for OrgNote
So the user (me) wants… A place to add thoughts. A place to re-arrange thoughts. To work with your thoughts/notes. A place to pull-up (reference) thoughts/notes. Never feels / goes stale, be relevant, response with usage.
So since I am unique, OrgNote would have to be flexible enough. Flexible enough for me, and flexible enough for others. Hey my preferences might change later too… so it’s a good thing.
Interface with Evernote
One of my favorite iOS app is “Scannable” by EverNote. It’s pretty gangsta. I’m always impressed that no matter how bad the photo seems, the “scanned” document is clear as day. Makes me want to interface with them on OrgNote.
Design of Notes/Journal/Lists
Okay so what am I designing? Notes… or should I say Text Journal. Then there’s the Organized Text. Organized via Hierarchy. Then… their’s the ToDos…
Do What You Love
So I’m currently reading this book. “I Could Do Anything, If I Only Knew What It Was” My second child, Benjamin Aart Van was born recently. Boy did I forget what it took to raise a newborn. Even less time now, since I have a toddler and a consulting practice to run. I was having…
Ulysses is a damn nice application. Reminds me of Keynote for Mac. Pretty sweet. It has nested folders, and MarkDown integrations. It’s nice and simple. First impressions is that is has 90% of what I’m looking for. — After playing with it for the last how, a couple things I wish it does better with…