Category: misc

  • Always Positive

    I think it could be possible to always (most of the time) feel good. Positive emotions at least. Happiness, contentment, excitement, full-filled, joy.

  • Doing It All

    You can do it all, you just don’t have to do it all at once.

  • All you have is Today

    “Thinking Big?” maybe not? What if all you had was today. When Chase said, he’s practicing more self-compassion… I just thought to myself… if all you had and all you can impact was your actions Today, what could you do? What would you do?

  • Love is

    Love is patient, Love is kind. It is gentle and sweet, remorseful & forgiving. It does not hold grudges, it is forever. It takes things, tongue & cheek.

  • Home Field Advantage

    Forgot what I read recently, maybe it was from a Mike Michalowicz book. The importance of a home field advantage. Meaning your family and your closest relationships should refresh you, give you calm, peace, hope & energy.

  • Thoughts on Progressive Web Apps

    I was just watching some Google I/O 2016 videos and had some thoughts. “Progressive Web Apps” seems to be a new buzz words, from my understanding it means, the latest/greatest web-apps leveraging new web platforms apis… for a better user experience. Web-Apps that are more useful, more like Native Apps i guess. One of the…

  • Let them Chase You

    One tip I got to land clients is… “let them chase you”, aka… play hard to get… It makes you seem scarce. Busy… important. Boy, gotta land new clients soon though.

  • Slow Growth

    After watching Dan Martell videos on Start-up Life / Culture… I think I might prefer slow growth… Maybe slow passion project growth and/or slow private business growth… Slow and steady, wins the race.

  • Preparation

    Preparation. Prepare to succeed. What do you prepare for? As I am currently preparing to take a placement test for a Top Agency I am applying to, I am using all the preparation advice I’ve heard over the years. Get a good night sleep. (opps on this, hopefully I can get some shut eye before…

  • Maybe there’s no such thing as Art?

    Art is on a pedestal. Do we put Art on a pedestal? WTF is artistic integrity, selling out etc. Is it merely doing something we don’t want to do? Maybe that’s just called integrity… When you make yourself a bowl of cereal are you doing Art? Does that depend on your canvas (Maybe you are…