Category: mindset

  • You don’t your strengths

    You are blinded by your strengths. Your strengths comes so effortlessly that you take it for granted. If you only knew what they were and cultivated them, you’d be unstoppable. 

  • Always Positive

    I think it could be possible to always (most of the time) feel good. Positive emotions at least. Happiness, contentment, excitement, full-filled, joy.

  • Doing It All

    You can do it all, you just don’t have to do it all at once.

  • All you have is Today

    “Thinking Big?” maybe not? What if all you had was today. When Chase said, he’s practicing more self-compassion… I just thought to myself… if all you had and all you can impact was your actions Today, what could you do? What would you do?

  • Home Field Advantage

    Forgot what I read recently, maybe it was from a Mike Michalowicz book. The importance of a home field advantage. Meaning your family and your closest relationships should refresh you, give you calm, peace, hope & energy.

  • Maybe there’s no such thing as Art?

    Art is on a pedestal. Do we put Art on a pedestal? WTF is artistic integrity, selling out etc. Is it merely doing something we don’t want to do? Maybe that’s just called integrity… When you make yourself a bowl of cereal are you doing Art? Does that depend on your canvas (Maybe you are…

  • Not enough Time

    Today I’m feeling that there’s not enough time. I know that’s ridiculous, not the feeling but the idea that there isn’t enough time. Lots of balls in the air… two kids, food needs to be put on the table, flailing freelance business… product/saas business  still in idea phase. Sigh… I am relieved to know that…

  • Keep Trucking

    Got to wake up, put on your proverbial socks, drink your eggs, and do the work. The fruits aren’t guaranteed, “the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with.” Keep Trucking.

  • 3 Fields of Personal Success

    Mental, Emotional & Physical. Mental You have to think positively. Don’t be a negative pessimist. Believe in hope. Realize other people has been in worse shape and has gone to surpass your wildest dreams. Emotional The most important. You have to control your emotions. Be attuned to the emotions of others (relationships). Without mastery of…

  • What to Blog About?

    So I was just thinking, since I am going to be blogging everyday now. What should I blog about? So I concluded with, I should write the Post, that if I died today, I’m glad I wrote it. —- I would say if I died today, I want to past on lessons to my Sons,…