Category: dev

  • Thoughts on Progressive Web Apps

    I was just watching some Google I/O 2016 videos and had some thoughts. “Progressive Web Apps” seems to be a new buzz words, from my understanding it means, the latest/greatest web-apps leveraging new web platforms apis… for a better user experience. Web-Apps that are more useful, more like Native Apps i guess. One of the…

  • Platform of the Browser

    An interesting Hacker News story made it’s round today, declare TypeScript Victorious. Honestly I thought TypeScript was JS for Java developers. However Angular 2.0 adopted it, which was interesting… I tought because Angular 2 was so different than Anagular 1.0, that it’ll die. Learning Python currently and this reminds me of the Python 3, Python…

  • What is the first thing you need to understand as a new Web Developer?

    I think the first thing you need to understand as a new Web Developer is that you can do it! As in, it’s just code. And Code is just Text. And you can read. so you Can Code. Basically, web development is mostly transparent. 98% of everything can be quickly de-mystified. You can go to…

  • Am I a Designer or Developer?

    If you’re a front-end engineer, are you a designer or developer? Some designers produce really good front-end code. (Html/Css) Some developers product really good front-end code. (Html/Css/JavaScript) Only the designers can design… The developers cannot design… (Visual Stunning Work) Is this true? So the question becomes, if you want to become a professional, what do…

  • Setting up RamNode VPS for Node.JS Development

    Recently I had to get a VPS (virtual private server) for remote development. Below are my steps: Once I signed-up for RamNode, I chose their $3.50 a month, 512mb plan. Dirt cheap for web development. I went with Ubuntu, seems like CentOS was the default. SSH in, (I’m using Secure Shell for Chrome) Create a…

  • WTF is B-Tree?

    You here it all the time, B-Tree this, B-Tree that… what da f*** is it? It’s a way of storing data in an efficiently sorted way. In this video example of a b-treenumbers are being added to the tree in a sorted way. Larger numbers are on the right, smaller numbers on the left. Basically,…

  • Learning JavaScript 6

    I am going to be using JavaScript 6 (ECMAScript 6) for my new project codename Bird. One of the things I thought was interesting with ES6 is it’s new shorthand for defining a method (function) onto an object literal. var person = { name: “Nicholas”, sayName() { console.log(; } }; That will be equivalent to:…

  • Project Management

    Recently I was listening to this episode of Start Ups For The Rest Of Us podcast, and it gave me a kick in the pants. I realize I had to put up this blog (and a landing page) before the launch of VanilaFolder. Also I realize that I needed to manage everything about the development and…

  • Solo-Mode for Pivotal Tracker

    Since I’m developing VanilaFolder solo using PivotalTracker to manage the project, I’ve added some custom css & js (with minimalist) to minimized the layout of PT. Before After     The “activity” link toggles the comments section. Code: