Category: meta
Happy New Year!2019 I wanted to write something. Less Focus is more important now than ever. With the constant false values of everyday life. Media and material driven. I’m reading (audible) great book right now called “Lost Connections” by Johann Hari. I found this via Blinkist. The book is about depression, why we get depressed,…
What’s going on?
I can’t believe it’s been more than 6 months since my last blog post. An apology to myself… but what have I been doing? I’ve been working on OrgNote. My magnum opus. I felt I couldn’t write, and sufficiently focus on OrgNote at the same time. It’s all about focus after all… Update on OrgNote…
So I’ve Blogged Again
Whoa, can’t believe I haven’t blogged since May! Lots have happened since then, the biggest news is my 4-year old went to his first day of pre-k this week! Hooray, so proud of him. Also, I’ve been putting my nose to the grind stone on OrgNote. I hope to be in the position to complete…
RIP ZenOverflow
In life, things come and go, life & death. The reason I started this blog was because of Seth Godin, recommendation to write everyday and Steven Pressfield’s influential War of Art. I was doing pretty good with blogging everyday from March 2016 to June 2016? So you cay say, it was 60 days of writing and publishing…