Easy Tip: How to remember where you Parked your Car

Who hasn’t forgotten where they parked and spent 10-15 minutes walking around the parking lot aimlessly looking for your car, pressing the button on your key fab…

Okay maybe only those of us with ADHD have it worse than most.

Here’s the 1 tip, that I use to remember where I parked. I have not wasted time looking for my car since.

#1 Strategy: Always park directly parallel to the front door.

Meaning a direct line of site, from the front door.

This means sometimes you’d have to park a little farther away. (A little more walking wouldn’t hurt!)

This way when you leave the store with your goodies, you know exactly where to look. You just go straight.

I have never spent >10mins walking around the parking lot looking for my car since I’ve adopted this strategy.

Tell me your thoughts? Do you also have a hard time finding your car?

Bonus tip: If you are parking in a garage, write down where you parked (usually there’s a posting of where you are in the garage somewhere), write it in Notes app in your phone.

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