First Chrome Extension Installed on a New Browser

Update: Thanks to ThisAsYou on Reddit, brought to my attention that LastPass has lots of vulnerabilities. So I will most likely switch off of them to something else. Perhaps 1Password.


So I’m trying out Vivaldi which is a “power-browser” (highly customizable) browser built by a co-founder of Opera browser, built on top of Chrome.

The biggest selling point for me is that it supports Chrome Extensions.

The first browser extension I downloaded and the one extension I couldn’t live without is LastPass.

LastPass is simply amazing. Easily remember and generate secure passwords. Important notes. I even put my credit-card numbers in it… not sure if that’s recommended or not.

Login is a breeze, so quick.

The #1 complaint I hear about password managers from people is that they’re scared to put all their passwords into one place. It’s actually more secure to use different passwords than to use the same (or derivative passwords) on multiple websites.

LastPass encryption is no joke. There’s a better chance of a 3rd party website getting hacked than your LastPass account getting compromised.
Highly recommend LastPass. 1Password is also good, if you aren’t using a password manager, you don’t know what you’re missing.


I use to use 1Password which is also great. Reason I switched to LastPass.



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